Unveiling the Core of Society: KAY2 Online – Your Voice, Our Mission

Kay2 Online

Media, often referred to as the fourth estate, plays a vital role in shaping collective values within a society or system. In Pakistan, the post-2000 era witnessed a burgeoning media industry, with a surge of private satellite channels striving to keep the nation well-informed and enlightened. Among these, Khyber Network stands as a prominent media brand in the country, making its mark not only within Pakistan but across the globe. A significant product of the Khyber Network is Kay2 TV, which has consistently served the nation with an impressive outlook and extensive coverage of public and common issues. Its recipe for success lies in a contemporary blend of traditions, culture, and societal moral values, resonating with a diverse audience.

In terms of content, Kay2 TV offers a wide array of shows addressing national and regional problems. Among these, a new avenue has emerged – KAY2 Online. This current affairs show has been introduced by the channel to provide unbiased analysis and shed light on the genuine and core problems prevailing in society. Maira Imran, a veteran journalist, hosts the show, leveraging her in-depth understanding of societal issues. Joining her is Qaisar Khan Tanoli, the head of Current Affairs and News department at KAY2, bringing extensive practical journalism experience to the table.

The mission statement of KAY2 Online is to be the voice for the voiceless. The program is aired live on KAY2 TV every Wednesday and Thursday during prime time, from 8 to 9 PM. The show’s primary objective is to spotlight the social and political issues and perspectives relevant throughout the week. The show’s guests primarily include journalists, analysts, and influential individuals who address questions from the common people. This approach places people’s representation at the forefront.

At KAY2 Online, we don’t merely analyze issues; we aspire to offer solutions and answers to the problems you face. Our commitment lies in being a platform that advocates for the unheard, bringing their concerns to the forefront and striving for a better tomorrow.

Join us on KAY2 Online – where your voice is our mission. Together, let’s unveil the core issues of our society and work towards a brighter and more informed future.

~Tashfeen Hashmi